5 D G S ا ح ر ش ص ق


Our creator is not a god. The term we use is more of a title than a god. What is typically called “God” isn’t a god. Gods are deities that people worship. These deities claim the need for people to worship them. Our creator is greater than that. If our Creator is the source of everything then how can you increase that everything with your action? It doesn’t make logical sense. If you are praying in a ritualistic manner than you leave that ritual behind the moment you stop. If you see prayer as the connection then you would be disconnecting every time you stop. Our connection should be seen as a constant thing. This would only work if we truly believe our creator was ever present. Foolish things like worrying about being naked when praying or a God that is sitting at a distance on some throne doesn’t make sense. If God is everywhere and active what would be the purpose of Angels? All of these inventions lessen the perceived power of God. Even considering that our creator has a name. You can name things that have can be contained or quantified. You cannot limit what this is because it defies all that we know. That is what’s so special. Mankind has created minions, like the angels and intercessors, like priests, rabbis and monks because we have an on/off relationship with our creator. We don’t think that it would understand us so we seek others to be intermediaries, the “men of God”, and to increase his magnitude, the angels. Why, when we have to most intimate connection possible, do we seek to create a distance through these invented beliefs? Yes, it’s difficult to conceive of an active entity that sees all in the moment it happens and before it happens. An entity that sits outside the bounds of time and can, therefore, see all of time at once. The limits to our mind cannot accept that all this information can be processed simultaneously because we are looking at our own limits. People have always anthropomorphized God and in ways that simply create problems and show our lack of belief in what “God” truly is.

When I use the term “God” it means as I have stated above. A being without age, that created everything, knows us better than we know ourselves. Open to being connected to. Not bound by emotions the same way humans are. A being that wants us to fulfill our potential by collectively joining one another and breaking down all types of divisions. Democrat or Republican, black or white, Jew or Muslim, English or Irish, Straight or other, all of these are illusions designed to separate and divide us. To say one is wrong for being who they are or one is better for where they were born is a falsity. We are each at a given starting point and it’s in our own best interest to help one another.