5 D G S ا ح ر ش ص ق


Dua. In the terminology of Islam, literally meaning invocation, is an act of supplication. The term is derived from an Arabic word meaning to ‘call out’ or to ‘summon’. Pop-Muslims from all over connect with God and ask him for forgiveness and favors. Typically this is after their ritualistic prayer. Basically it’s what most of the English speaking world calls prayer.

In Pop-Muslims they have another type of “prayer” you probably heard about. That’s the prayer Muslims are supposed to pray 5 times a day. This is a ritualistic prayer that has precise steps for cleansing, bowing, kneeling and prostration. The steps are cyclical and there are words that should be recited, most of the time in Arabic. The Quran’s uses the word Salaat and Pop-Islam says that there is no explanation of performing this ritual prayer in the Qur’an. This part of the argument for needing supplementation for the Qur’an. This isn’t true. Instead of there being no method the word is misunderstood or mistranslated and that is the seed for a set of practices, that we see are essentially the opposite of what we should do.